The Gippsland Coast is one of the most beautiful places to explore in Australia but too often hikers flock to the big named places like Wilsons Prom, Point Smythe is only a short drive from Venus bay making it much closer to Melbourne and other local population centres than others such as Wilsons Prom but is still quite the trek. This small 7.4 KM day hike near Venus Bay is in a superb location and offers not only great views but also a very easy to traverse track that is very lightly trafficked compared to other trails in the area making it a great day out by yourself or with the family.

If you are day hiking for the first time or not sure exactly what you need then you can visit our article that covers everything you need to know about packing called the ‘Day Hike Packing Guide’ Right Here.
Getting there:
Being just over two and a half hours from Melbourne’s CBD it can be quite the drive down but if you live in the area this drive can be significantly reduced, the park can be a little hard to find if you miss the road that takes you to the carpark so it's important that after you enter Venus Bay you take the first road on the right which is Lees Road. If you miss the road you can continue driving into town and take a right on the corner of the general store and then take a left at the roundabout to get yourself on the right path, once you are on Lees road you just need to continue driving through the second estate of Venus Bay while sticking to the same road until you reach the carpark for the Point Smythe walk. Once your there all you need to do is get your gear, lock the car and set off on your adventure.

The Hike:
Setting off from the carpark you will see an information sign that gives some details about the local area and the history of the trail you are walking along, this path continues for about 700 metres until you reach a fork in the track, you can take either direction due to it being a circuit but the best way is typically to take a left. A further kilometre down this track you will see another side path that you can take if you please, this path to the side goes along the beach right the way to the point but it's important to be aware that this path can become impassable at high tide when the beach is almost fully consumed by the waves. The beach also doesn't allow dogs because it is currently a conservation area so be aware that you may need to take the regular path even if you want to walk the beach. If you carry on the regular path for about 1.6 KM’s then you will reach the intersection of the track towards Point Smythe, on this track take a left and follow it until you reach the very point which at low tide can have a huge sand outcrop going far out into Andersons Inlet and the area makes for a good place to have Lunch.
Once you have finished having fun on the beach and had a good bite to eat you can set back off again to complete the final stretch of this day hike, to join the final section of track on this hike you will need to walk back through the section that took you to the point itself until you reach the intersection you were previously at. Carry on straight through this intersection and towards the salt marsh only a few hundred metres down the track, just before you reach the marsh you will meet another intersection where you can take either right or left, to see the marsh you will need to go right but if you take a left you may not get a chance to see the salt marsh which may be not as interesting. After turning down the right path you can see the little salt marsh lakes that on a clam day can be very beautiful and reflect the local surroundings like a glass mirror. On wet days or after heavy storms this path can become slightly flooded but don’t worry as some nifty hikers have made some makeshift paths through the bush beside the path until the water recedes. After this point you will only need to hike down the path for about 2 KM’s, following the parts of path you have already passed and you will be back at the carpark where you set off.

Hopefully along this walk you got to experience some of the most beautiful and intact bushland in the area, on a calm day you will see birds and kangaroos roaming around and experience the beautiful views of both the Inlet and Salt Marsh in the area. This pristine environment and lightly trafficked path is perfect for anyone looking to make a day trip down to Gippsland and avoid the crowds of other parks. For someone in the local area looking for something to do this weekend this is also a perfect place to visit as it is a very easy and calm walk while also having the feel of being in the middle of the bush.
Helpful Details:
Where: Point Smythe, Cape Liptrap Coastal Park
Distance: 7.4 KM (loop)
Packing: Day Hike Packing Guide
Travel Time: 2 Hours, 30 minutes (from Melbourne CBD)
Starting/Finishing Point: Point Smythe Car park (End of Lees Road)
Duration: 2 – 2½ Hours
Difficulty: Easy – Light
Written by Josh Welch